

Prov Diagnostic is a state-of-the-art diagnostic center, aiming to optimize its booking and information request services through the adoption of an innovative system integrating GoSuite, VoIPBot, and artificial intelligence.


Description of issues related to the manual management of bookings, cancellations, and information requests, causing delays and operational inefficiencies.

Innovative Solution:

Explanation of Prov Diagnostic's decision to adopt an integrated system using GoSuite, a VoIPBot, and AI to automate and optimize booking management and customer service.

Technology Selection:

The first step involved the careful selection of an advanced VoiceBot, capable of interacting with customers in a natural and intuitive manner. This choice was driven by the need to provide immediate and precise answers to frequently asked questions, as well as to autonomously manage bookings and cancellations.

CRM Integration:

Subsequently, the VoiceBot was integrated with the existing CRM system, creating a direct link with the booking schedule. This allowed for workflow automation, synchronizing new bookings and cancellations in real-time directly into the appointment calendar.

VoiceBot Training:

The VoiceBot was programmed and trained to understand and handle a wide range of requests, thus ensuring efficient 24/7 customer service. Its learning capability allowed for continuous improvement of interactions, based on feedback and real interactions with patients.

Staff Training:

In parallel, the staff was trained to work in synergy with the new system. Workshops were organized to illustrate the VoiceBot's features and to teach employees how to best leverage the new capabilities offered by the CRM integration.

Impacts and Benefits:

Assessment of achieved results, such as increased operational efficiency, reduction in booking errors, improved customer experience, and decreased waiting times.