

This case study examines the innovation in municipal customer service, which addressed and solved the challenges of sorting citizen requests by implementing an AI VoiceBot solution integrated with the ticket management system through CRM.


Before the intervention, the request sorting process was slow and often inaccurate, causing delays and dissatisfaction among citizens.

Innovative Solution:

The adopted solution involved introducing an AI VoiceBot capable of interpreting and sorting citizen requests efficiently and accurately. The VoiceBot was integrated with the existing CRM system, enhanced by an advanced ticket management function.

Implementation Phase:

The digitization process adopted by the Municipality of Borcea was structured to maximize efficiency and citizen satisfaction.
Here's how the integration was achieved:

  • • Automated Phone Reception:
  • • When a citizen calls the municipal switchboard, the AI VoiceBot automatically responds. Using advanced voice recognition, the system can provide immediate information on common issues without the need for human interaction.
  • • Call Sorting: If the citizen needs to speak with a specific office, the VoiceBot assesses the real-time availability of the officials in the desired department. If an official is available, the system directly transfers the call, allowing for immediate communication.
  • • Ticket Management: If all officials are busy or if the request requires more time to be processed, the VoiceBot opens a ticket in the CRM system. This ticket contains all the request details and is assigned to the corresponding department to be handled as soon as possible.
  • • Prioritization and Follow-up: Thanks to artificial intelligence, the system can prioritize tickets based on urgency and request type. Officials can then handle the most critical cases more quickly and ensure timely follow-up for all other requests.
  • • CRM Integration: Deep integration with the CRM allows for maintaining a record of all interactions, ensuring no request is lost or overlooked. Additionally, it provides officials with a complete view of previous interactions, thereby improving the quality of service provided.


Results: The implementation of the AI VoiceBot has led to a significant reduction in response times and an increase in citizen satisfaction. Automated ticket management has enabled more efficient tracking and resolution of requests.