
DEBT COLLECTION COMPANY: Increased efficiency and improved customer service through CRM, WhatsApp, and Voicebot integration

The Lead5 debt collection company operates in the debt collection sector on behalf of a wide range of financial institutions and commercial companies. The company handles a large volume of requests and debts to be recovered, working closely with clients and debtors to ensure timely and complete payment of debts.


Lead5 was facing several challenges related to managing the growing requests and debts to be recovered. The manual process of handling client and debtor requests was slowing down operations and causing delays in critical communications. It was necessary to find a way to automate some of the repetitive tasks and improve the overall customer experience.


The company implemented a custom CRM solution that allowed for the automation of many customer and debtor management tasks. The CRM platform was integrated with WhatsApp and an intelligent Voicebot to enable faster and more convenient communication with customers and debtors. Customized workflows were developed within the CRM system to automate communications with customers and debtors, allowing them to receive notifications and reminders via WhatsApp and interact with a Voicebot to manage payments and basic information requests. Customer service agents were trained on the effective use of the CRM and new integrated features, enabling them to handle requests more efficiently and promptly.


  • • Significant increase in operational efficiency thanks to the automation of customer and debtor management processes.
  • • Improvement of the overall customer experience thanks to faster and more convenient communication through WhatsApp and Voicebot.
  • • Reduced response times to customer and debtor requests, improving overall customer satisfaction.
  • • Increased debt recovery thanks to a more efficient and timely request and payment management process.